Saturday, March 2, 2013


Time for another contest
 I'm currently having a contest to
win a print of this painting ,and
other goodies. I'm looking 
for a title. Name will be drawn
thru a random number generator on March 7th.
   If you'd like to play please come to my Facebook
@ this link for more information ;-)
There was a winner
The title for this painting is
Three Faces of Beauty

300lbs watercolor paper,gouache, acrylics
This was a fun piece to create.
Non representational.

Friday, February 1, 2013

LE REGARD 'Original'

Japanese Indian Ink, Shiva oil sticks,
pencil,caran d'ache, stencils
 It's been awhile since I've posted!
I've  been very busy with work over
the Christmas holidays. Here's a new
piece for you to enjoy called "Le Regard",
which in english means "The Look"
Original is available
Send me a message if interested