Saturday, April 28, 2012

29 Faces~ Starts May 1st/2012

 I came across this group, and thought it might be worth a try~
We are to create a face for each day in May with 2 days of grace in  any size, medium, and surface that you can imagine
Let the fun begin!

Here's my first face for May 1 :She Enjoyed her daily Chai:
It is one of my fav. drinks. Done on 4" x 4" thick cardboard


Beautiful Awakenings - Kaz said...

Thanks for the link am definitely going to try give this a go. Great to get some inspiration and motivation from fellow artists.

artlover said...

Great Kaz!
An urge to create within a time frame will definitely be a challenge for me; but will give it a go;-)

Carol said...

I'm doing this!1 I did it in Feb. and it was so rewarding! The improvement in my faces was astounding and I acquired a new obsession :0) painting and drawing face constantly now.

Ayala Art said...

Hi Mariette! So happy you are doing the challenge!
Please don't forget to add a label to your blog (29 faces) and turn off the captcha verification, because so many people have problems to post due to that (go to Design, then Settings, then Post and comments, then click NO for "Show word verification".
Voila.... :oD
See you soon!

artlover said...

Added the 29 face label Ayala, and thanks for starting this challenge;-)

Lesley said...

Hello fellow Canadian. I am going to try this challenge as well. Sounds like fun. I just started to seriously do portraits this January as a challenge for myself. will be fun and interesting to see all the artwork.
Have fun.

artlover said...

Nice to meet another canadian;-)
Have fun Lesley!

Jenny said...

This is going to be so much fun... I can't wait...

Jenny x

Jenny said...

Oh she is fabulous... and enjoying one of my favorite drinks too... love chai...

Jenny x

manomij said...

I love chai tea it's the best, lovely piece of art x

Wendy Erman said...

I'm in love with your style. I just got sucked into a vortex looking at all your past blog entries. I'm a follower now. Nice to "meet" you!

Anne said...

Love your drawing. I can relate to that cup of chai.

Cynthia said...

so nice!

Adriann said...

I like her! This is a great idea. I'm off to check it out.

artlover said...

Thanks all for your wonderful comments;-)

Linda said...

What a great start. So lovely.

Jen xo said...

love her and ive just had one, love my chai :)

johnniebelinda said...

I love this one the best

Heather said...

oh this is sooo cool - love the vibe here - and the drink reference!!!

carol l mckenna said...

Wonderful face ~ lots of depth and love chai ~ thanks, namaste, ^_^

Molly said...

I so wanted to participate in this challenge, but this month is just too crazy for me to commit to 29 days. I love your face for today. Great, moody colors!

artlover said...

Thanks for your beauteous comments everyone x0x

Tracey FK said...

Looks fab and even a non chai lover can appreciate this great painting... xx

Cahos' Chaos said...

Dropping by to to say Great Job! I can't comment everyday because I am trying to download some videos, which take forever. But I will be back in a few.

Chris said...

I love your little face... so sweet. I am so glad I have joined in's great to see all the gorgeous art :)

artlover said...

Chris, I'll see how consistent I can be lol..Haven't started yet; but will do some;-)